Friday, May 4, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away!!

           It's been hard to get anything done in the yard or garden what with all these wet days. The grass will be a foot high before it drys out, if not worse. But every thing does look so green, clean and fresh! I hope the bees got into the fruit trees before the cold rain started. The blossoms look wonderful anyway, and I am surrounded by Does apple trees in full glory!  the sun did get out on a few breaks, so I could run out to capture some blooms before they are gone. I hope you enjoy them! Rain or not the Backyard is looking good!


  1. found you!!!!!!!

  2. Hello Jay, I am so delighted to have found your blog. You are a gal after my own heart. I say this because: 1.I got my high school diploma at age 46. 2. I love life in my backyard, and I can not think of a place that I would rather be. 3. I started teaching myself to play guitar 3 years ago and now I play and sing with two different groups. 4. I started my blog in January this year. It goes to show that you are never to old to learn a new trick or two, or three, or four . . . who's counting. You sound like you have the same attitude as myself, and that is that each new day that the good Lord blesses me with . . . I will be grateful and rejoice and be glad in it. I am your newest follower and I am looking forward to visiting and sharing creative ideas. Please accept my warm and humble invitation to visit and hopefully to follow my blog, too. Connie :)

    1. Hello Connie, Happy to meet you, haveing trouble trying to join your site, will keep trying! *_* xx
