Thursday, March 1, 2012


So here we are folks, I always think of the windy month of March as the front door to spring, and a new season. So here I am trying again to get this blogger under control so I may give and share our ideas on the garden, photos and art. feel free to drop in I'd love to share your views and news, in this beautiful world we live in.

It's now time to look to our garden tools and get at any repairs. Finish the pruning, and yard cleaning. get ready to plant or thin and transplant bulbs as soon as the frost thaws and the ground is turn-able

Also good just to get out and shake off the winter blues, with fresh air and hopefully sunshine!.

                                     See you next week! *_*


  1. Good Luck with the blog Jean! I really must get back to mine and try to knock it into shape!! xx

    1. Thanks Caroline, I feel this is going to be great fun! *_*

  2. oh Jean I had no idea you started a blog! I'm so very happy to have found you! I will join as a follower!!!

    1. Welcome Laurie, still learning how to set this one up right. Hoping to share like views with gardeners, artists and budding photographers. I realy enjoy visiting your spot to enjoy your latest work,Nice! *_*

  3. That an awesome blog, I never knew they did that with transparent bulbs...? they do that with florescent bulbs too?

    1. Why not Mr.Paws, That would light up my garden nicely! lol.
