Monday, June 25, 2012

Thursday Nite Art Club.

                 The Forth Gentleman; Plum Blossom!

                        We had a fun nite Thursday, learning to paint Plum Blossoms, which can be used as cherry, peach or apricot blooms. My granddaughter joined us, and what is it about kids? They catch on so fast, I'm afraid she showed us old girls up! Ha ha. So we ate pizza and painted and this is what it looks like;

                      I have to confess that my students keep me busy, practicing beforehand the next weeks lessons.  You see I am just learning the art of Chinese brush painting myself, (and I have to look good for my students!)  But like any good teacher, my greatest joy, besides the great fellowship; is seeing those students who surpass the teachers efforts, and show great promise! I am lucky to have two of them!

                       So next week I have to show them how to join their blossoms onto the branches, and here is one of my efforts;
                           Peach Blossoms with Butterfly's

                    I chose Peach because I like the color, and when done I was looking forward to the Dancing stroke, used for a multitude of flowers, also butterfly's. Well I just had to try them and I'm pleased with the results, so I go whole hog and and paint on a backwash- background too! what do you think for a first try?

                 Hopefully I will have some nice ones to post next week from my star students. Meantime have a good week and  "Keep on Painting"

1 comment:

  1. Hi, such beautiful work, here is the link for paint party friday, ( hope it works),
